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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 100

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 100

  • Publish Year : 2023
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sa'id Kordmâfi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Ârash Mohâfez, Sasan Fatemi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i
About :

The Last Word: Sasan Fatemi
Articles: 1. Principles of Musicianship in Qâbusnâmeh: One Chapter and Several Advantages. Babak Khazraei 2. Interwoven Narratives of “Continuity” and “Rupture” in the Development Process of an Art Tradition. Saeid Kordmafi 3. The Treatise of Hasht Dastgâh (Eight Dastgâhs): A Recently Discovered Text from the Safavid Era. Arastu Mihandust 4. Gilaki Radio Music: Indigenous Popular Music. Âriâ Tavallâ’i 5. An Investigation of the Târ and Setâr String; The Features of String and Their Effects on Misplacement of the Fretting. Ârash Âzâdeh
Miscellaneous Notes: 1. A Few Pages of Soleymân Khân Ruhafzâ’s Life; New Information about Pedagogical-Artistic Activities and Personal Life of Simon Kalimi Imreh. Amir-Ali Ardakâniân 2. Qânuni: A Family Name or Documenting; the Historical Evidence of an Instrument Revival. Farideh Rezâ’i 3. A Review of Some Musical Hints in the Treatise of Hazziyât by Sâdeqi-Beyg Afshâr. Amin (Abolfazl) Harâti
Reports: 1. Some Points from the Diary of ‘Aziz-ol-Soltân (Malijak-e Sâni). Ramtin Nazariju
The Last Season: Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
Index of 10 Issues of Mahoor Music Quarterly (from 91-100)
