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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 97

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 97

  • Publish Year : 2023
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sasan Fatemi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Ârash Mohâfez
About :

Articles: 1. Synthesizing Identity: Gestures of Filiation and Affiliation in Turkish Popular Music, Songül Karahasanoğlu and Gabriel Skoog 2. Critical Edition and Analysis of the Music Section of Riâz al-Abrâr by Mollâ Hoseyn Aqili Rostamdâri. Sahand Soltândust 3. Mâzandarâni Muyes: Cultural Issues, Musical Features . Milâd Mahmudi Nowsar 4. Historical Transformations of Discourses on the Term “Musiqi-ye Melli” (National Music) and Our Today’s Understanding of It. Ârvin Sedâqatkish 5. “Musiqi-ye Kâfe’i” (Cafe Music) in Iran’s Cinema and Its Relation to the Cafes Reality in the 1330s and Early 1340s. Mahdis Bayât

Fundamental Concepts: 1. De l’ethnomusicologie historique à la Notte della taranta: l’impact du chercheur sur l’objet étudié. Flavia Gervasi, translated by Sasan Fatemi

Interview: 1. Interview with Abdollâh Davâmi about Darvish Khân. Interview transcript and commentary by Râmtin Nazariju

Critique & Review: 1. Tarji‘band: A Review after 33 Years. Mohammad Jamâli 2. Till Another Season. Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
