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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 98

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 98

  • Publish Year : 2023
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Arash Mohafez
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Sasan Fatemi
About :

Articles: Spiritual Resonances in Musical Cultures of Central Asia: Myths, Dreams and Ethics. Jean During, translated by Saeid Kordmafi 2. L’ancienne école du shash-maqôm de Boukhara. Ȏtanazar Matyakubov, translated by Arash Mohafez 3. L’héritage musical au Tadjikistan: pratiques et représentations de la transmission familiale et communautaire. Ariane Zevaco, translated by Sasan Fatemi 4. Mokhtâr Bakhshi and his Historical Memory. Steven Blum, translated by Sasan Fatemi 5. The Rubâb, the National Instrument of Afghanistan. John Baily, translated by Sasan Fatemi 6. Devotional Songs and Narratives in Iranian Khorâsân: The Narrative of Me’râj.  Ameneh Youssefzadeh, translated by Sasan Fatemi 7. Quelques scènes de la musique en Iraq. Scheherazade Qassim Hassan, translated by Arash Mohafez 8. The Case of “Reng-e Farah”. Babak Khazrai 9. A Reflection on the Concept of “Mode”; A Critique of the Harold Powers’ Definition. Sasan Fatemi 10. La tradition turque du taksim. Fikret Karakaya, translated by Arash Mohafez 11. The Ethnography of Enchanted Listening. Victor A. Stoichiţă, translated by Leylâ Rasuli
Interview: 1. Fifty Years of Musical Research in Iran and Turân; Interview with Jean During. Interview and translation by Arash Mohafez 2. Bibliography and Discography of Jean During.
In Memoriam: 1. In Memory of Amine Beyhom. Jean During, translated by Arash Mohafez
Critique & Review: 1. Raising the Question: About Jean During’s Persian Compositions. Ârvin Sedâqatkish 2. Till Another Season.  Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
