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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 94

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 94

  • Publish Year : 2022
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sasan Fatemi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Ârash Mohâfez
About :

Articles: 1. Temps musical et temps social au Yémen: La suite musicale et le magyal de Sanaa. Jean Lambert, Translated by Sasan Fatemi 2. About Ali-Akbar Sheydâ and his tasnifs. Râmtin Nazariju 3. The Necessity for Standardisation of Signs and Notation Methods for Iranian Instruments. Kâve Keshâvarz. 4. Rethinking of the Concept of Kâr‘amal/ Kâr-o-Amal in the Post-Safavid Sources. Amin (Abolfazl) Harâti
Fundamental Concepts: 1. Une anthropologie de la musique classique occidentale. Bruno Nettl, Translated by Sasan Fatemi 
Reports: 1. Yeshli: Musical Sound of the Arabs of Hur to Communicate with Buffalos. Mahmud Mashhudi 2. Xenakis’s Polytope or Tjeknavorian’s Son et Lumière? A Case of Probable Role of Racism in the Historiography of Contemporary Iranian Music. Mohammad-Mehdi Tâheri
Critique & Review: 1. Émergence de la notion de nouveauté en musique: l’Ars nova en question. Anne-Zoé Rillon-Marne, Translated by Arash Mohafez 2. Till Another Season. Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
