Articles: 1. Music and tradition in Yemen, Philip D. Schuler, translated by Leylâ Rasuli 2. A Study of Lutes with Two Part Sound box in History of Iranian Music and Its Expansion in Neighboring Regions, Narges Zâker-Ja’fari 3. Echo de perse and Alfred Lemaire: Music, Theatre, and Freemasonary, Mohsen Mohammadi 4. The Methods for Increasing Mental and Kinetic Skills of Instrumentalists, Ârash Âzâde
Miscellaneous Notes: 1. Some Points about the Musicians of Qâjâr Epoch: From 1796 to 1848, Seyyed Hoseyn Meysami 2. A Historical Document about Alfred Lemaire, Sasan Fatemi 3. Qâjâr Târ: Three Visual Documents, Sasan Fatemi
Fundamental Concepts: 1. Traditional Music and Cultural Identity: Persistent Paradigm in History of Ethnomusicology, Philip V. Bohlman, translated by Natalie Chubineh
Interview: 1. A Life, A History Mostafâ-Kamâl Purtorâb in Interview, Sasan Fatemi 2. Fozié Majd in Interview
Critique and Review: 1. The State of Dastgâh-Radifi-Music Criticism, Majid Kiyâni 2. The Critique Criticized: Adorno and Popular Music, Max Paddison, translated by Sepehr Mo’ini 3. Till Another Season, Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi