Articles: 1. La musique chez les persans en 1885, Victor Advielle, translated by Hoseyn-Ali Mallâh 2. Chahârgâh: From Pitch to Dastgâh, Bâbak Khazrâi 3. Pishrow-e Ajami Part II: Form, Ârash Mohâfez
Miscellaneous Notes: 1. Another Viewpoint on Âref Qazvini’s Poem for “Mârsh-e Jomhuri”, Mohsen Kerâmati 2. A Letter of Complaint, Musâ Ma’rufi 3. A Few Points about the Specialities of Two Master Musicicans of Fath-Ali Shâh Era, Sasan Fatemi Fundamental Concepts: 1. Ethnomusicological Theory, Timothy Rice, translated by Natalie Chubine
Interview: 1. An Account of the Life of Iranian Music in Migration; Ziâ Mirabdolbâqi in Interview, Ârash Mohâfez
Report: 1. A Few Remarks on Iranian and Azerbaijani Târ, Jean During, translated by Ârash Mohâfez
Critique and Review: 1. Auditor’s Emotions: Contention, Concession and Compromise, Peter Kivy, translated by Natalie Chubine 2. Till Another Season, Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi