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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 55

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 55

  • Publish Year : 2012
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editorial Board: Sassan Fatemi, Hooman Asadi, Mohammad Mousavi, Hossein Yâssini, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Arash Mohâfez, Sa’id Kordmâfi
About :

Articles: 1. Film Music, Mervyn Cooke, translated by Hossein Yâssini 2. The Articulation of National Identity Through Film Music, David Burnand and Benedict Sarnaker, translated by Sasan Fatemi 3. How Not to Think Film Music, Royal S. Brown, translated by Natalie Chubine 4. Inside, Outside and Beyond the Scene, An Analytical Overview of Music in Trois Couleur: Bleu, Hossein Yâssini

Interview: 1. Iranian Music in Shirâz Art Festival, Fozié Majd in interview with Pari Safâ 2. Pari Zangeneh in Interview, Bijan Zelli

In Memoriam: 1.  The Virtue of Clarity; In Memory of Parviz Mansouri, Babak Khazrâi

Miscellaneous Notes: 1. Khâltur, Sasan Fatemi 2. Âvâz-e Makhrut, Bâbak Khazrâi

Review: 1. A Musicology Unknown To Us, A Critical Overview of Bâbak Ahmadi’s Musicology: An Analytic Companion, Ârvin Sedâqatkish 2. Musicologist or Musicophile? A Critical Overview of Bâbak Ahmadi’s Book on Musicology, Pooriâ Ramezâniân

Till Another Season: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
