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 Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 40

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 40

  • Publish Year : 2008
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editorial Board: Sassan Fatemi, Hooman Asadi and Mohammad Mousavi
About :

Editorial: Writings for the Jubilee Edition (1998-2008), Stephen Blum, John Baily, Jean During, Majid Kiani, Fozié Majd, Bruno Nettl, Mostafâ-Kamâl Purtorâb, Schéhérazad Qassim Hassan, Sasan Sepanta, Anthony Shay

Articles: 1. A Critical Review of Mahoor Music Quarterly, Mohammad-Rezâ Fayyâz 2. Music of Armenia, Manuk Manukian, translated by Mehrdâd Gholâmi 3. Contemporary Tasnif: Ideas for Applying Old Musical Elements in Composition, Sasan Fatemi 4. Music, Ecstasy and Healing: The Case of Zâr Ritual in Southern Coasts of Iran, Maryam Qarasu 5. The Process of Change in Music and Musical Life of Azarbaijan, Ehsân Khezerlu

Basic Concepts: 1. Linguistic Models in Ethnomusicology, Seteven Feld, translated by Natalie Chubineh

Report: 1. Mirzâ Ahmad Khân Sâve’i Sârangi: A Biography, Behruz Mobasseri 

Review: 1. A Review on 186 Old Persian Tasnifs, Ali Shirâzi 2. Interview with Mohsen Kerâmati and Parisâ Kâshefi, Interviewer Ali Shirâzi 3. Till Another Season, Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi 4. Index of 39 Issues of Mahoor Music Quarterly
