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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 35

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 35

  • Publish Year : 2007
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editorial Board: Sassan Fatemi, Hooman Asadi and Mohammad Mousavi
About :

Articles: 1. Cultural Authority and Authenticity in the Turkish Repertoire, Walter Feldman, translated by Natalie Chubineh 2. Musical Life in the Court of Akbar, The Mughal Emperor of India, Sârâ Kalântari 3. Music of the Hamediâni ‘Âsheqs, Ilnâz Rahbar 4. Formation of Military Music in Egypt, Turkey and Iran, Mahsâ Pâkravân 5. A Study on the Relation between Education and Music Consumption: The Case of Tehran, Rezâ Samim 6. The Maqâms on the Tanbur of Yârsân, Heydar Kâki

Basic Concepts: 1. Learning to Perform as a Research Technique in Ethnomusicology, John Baily, translated by Natalie Chubineh

Review: 1. Virgil Thomson on Music, Virgil Thomson, translated by Natalie Chubineh 2. Music: Social Phenomenon or Work of Art? A Review on Symphony No. 10 by Shâhin Farhat, Sasan Fatemi 3. Review on Translation of Lloyd Miller’s Music and Song in Persia by Mohsen Elhâmiân, Bâbak Khazrâ’i 4. A Reference Book: Bibliography of Music in Iran, Mohammad-Ali Shâkeri Yektâ 5. Till Another Season, Mohammad Mousavi
