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Mahoor music Quarterly. No. 30

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Mahoor music Quarterly. No. 30

  • Publish Year : 2006
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editorial Board: Sassan Fatemi, Hooman Asadi, Amir Hossein Pourjavady and Mohammad Mousavi
About :

Articles: 1. Choreographing Persia: Representation and Orientalism in Staging and Choreographing Iranian Dance, Anthony Shay, translated by Natalie Chubineh 2. Notes on the Poetical and Musical Art of Sayat’-Nova, Eugenia Popescu-Judetz, translated Natalie Chubineh 3. Previous Generations of Târ and Setâr Players, Hassan Mashhun 4. Reading Poetic Meters and Feet in the Radif of Mirzâ Abdollâh, Babak Khazra’i 

Basic Concept: 1. The Challenge of Semiotics, Kofi Agawu, translated by Alireza Seyyed-Ahmadian

Viewpoints: 1. A Need for Novel Ideas in Persian Music, Sasan Fatemi

Letters and Notes: 1. A Letter from Hossein Alizadeh 2. Till Another Season, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi
