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 Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 10

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 10

  • Publish Year : 2001
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Director and Chief Editor: Mohammad Eftekhari
  • Music Advisor: Hossein Alizâdeh
  • Executive Director: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
About :

Editorial: 1. Dancing, Prancing and Ode-Singing by Mohammad Eftekhâri

Articles: 1. Âvâz, Dastgâh, Radif: A Survey on the terms of Persian Music by Khosrow Ja’farzâdeh 2. Do not Bother the Lovers: Internal Characteristics and Peripheral Conditions of “Mousem-e Gol” (2) by Mohammad-Rezâ Fayyâz 3. Remarks on Setâr by Râmin Jazâyeri 4. Rhythms and the Peculiar Style of Ostâd Nâser Farhangfar Peymân Nâsehpur 5. Rebetika: Music of the Prison by Ed Emery, translated by Mohammad Eftekhâri 6. Who was Edgard Varese? By Chou Wen-Chung, translated by Alirezâ Seyyed-Ahmadiân 7. The Acoustic of the Violin by Bernard Richardson, translated by Shahâb Fayyâz 8. Teaching Improvisation by Derek Bailey, translated by Bâbak Bubân 9. Yehudi Menuhin, A Pacifist in the Service of Music by Samad Haqiqati Borujeni 

Views: 1. Persian Classical Music and Modern Poetry by Mohsen Kerâmati

In Memoriam: 1. Fortunate Hours with M. Mas’udiyeh by Shams Anvari Alhoseini 2. “Âzar” and his Fourfold Escape (To The Memory of Javâd Âzar, the poet and the lyricist) by Aqar Fardi

Special Report: 1. I cannot understand what the globalization of music may be (An interview with Parviz Meshkâtiân) 2. Music festival has reduced to a merely annual duty! By Mohammad Sarir 3. Pleasing to the father! (Remarks on the Performances of Tehran Philharmonic Orchestra) by Banafsheh Sâmgis 4. Would-be the best in Asia! (Remarks on the first performance of Tehran Symphony Orchestral by Banafsheh Sâmgis

Events: 1. Till Another Season by Mohammad Mousavi 2. News and Events by S. Farhud

Request: 1. Send your compositions for “Hamsâz” by Ali Samadpur

Forum: 1. A Pleasant Cooperation between the Creativity of the Artist and Imagination of the Listener by Nasim Vahhâbi Tehrani 2. A Standard Model for Making Setâr by Abolqâsem Tâlebpur

Music in the Press: 1. How to listen to Music? Farshâd Mahmudi 2. For Comparing only! (A general outlook to the annual music budget of the country) by Seyyed Abolhasan Mokhtâbâd 3. Up, Down, Stroke by Rezâ Otufat 

Gerneral Index (Mahoor nos. 1-10)
