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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 7

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 7

  • Publish Year : 2007
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Director and Chief Editor: Mohammad Eftekhari
  • Music Advisor: Hossein Alizâdeh
  • Executive Director: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
About :

Articles: 1. The Spirit of Music by Sufi Enayat Khan, translated by Shahab Latif 2. Dotar, Instrument of Northern Khorassan Minstrels by Ameneh Yousefzadeh 3. Report on a “Toy” from Middle Asia by Sassan Fatemi 4. Persian Marvegi from “Bukhara” to “Darvaz” by Manssoureh Sabetzadeh 5. Bastehnegar by Leila Hakim Elahi 6. The Concept of Maqam in the Traditional Persian Music by Sarmad Qader 7. Improvisation and Sweet Playing from a Different Viewpoint by Farid Kheradmand 8. Islamic Culture and the Formation of Polyphonic Music in Europe by Alexander L. Ringer, translated by Khosro Ja’farzadeh 9. Wagner and Antiquity by Ulrich Müller, translated by Alireza Seyyed-Ahmadian 10. Remarks on Music and Religion by Nadereh Abdedi

Interview: 1. An Interview with Ostad Sodeyf by Soroosh Yaqma’ei

Tribute: 1. To the Memory of Late Professor Ahad Behdjat 2. To the Memory of Late Seyyed Nureddin Razavi Sarvestani 3. To the Memory of Late Mass’oud Salari by Rabe’eh Eftekhari 

Events: 1. Till Another Season by Mohammad Mousavi

Music in the Press: 1. An Interview with Ostad Majid Kiani by Maryam Khoshqadami 2. The Excitement that Music Creates by Solmaz Moqtased Azar 

Forum: 1. The Song and The “Last Sense” by Qassem Afarin 2. An Explanation to Clear Up a Misunderstanding by Mohsen Sharifian

