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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 88

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 88

  • Publish Year : 2020
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sasan Fatemi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Ârash Mohâfez
About :

Articles: 1. La part “ottomane” dans les pratiques musicales des Grecs de Smyrne Basma Zerouali, Translated by Arash Mohafez 2. The Flexibility of Dastgâh; Intrinsic or Extrinsic? (Part Il): Thoughts on Some Stylistic and Theoretical Transformations of Classical Iranian Music in the 20th Century, Saeid Kordmafi 3. Some Documents of the Music Schools in the Era of the First Pahlavi King (Part I): Musâ Ma‘rufi’s “Dâr al-Alhân”, Mohammad-Rezâ Sharâyeli 4. Musical Iranisation: from the Simplicity of a Question to the Complexity of a History, Farshâd Tavakkoli

Fundamental Concepts: 1. Foundations of Historical Ethnomusicology, Jonathan McCollum and David G. Hebert, Translated by Siâvash Asgari

In Memoriam: 1. Sohrâb Mohammadi (1938-2020), Ameneh Yussefzadeh

Reports: 1. The Usage of the Terms “ Hâl ”, “ Sari ”, “ Mequm ” in the Music of Mâzandarân, Bahmanyâr Sharifi & Mohammad-Ebrâhim Âlami 2. The Procedure of Deciding upon the Name of Rudaki Hall and Its Change to “Vahdat Hall”, Sepantâ Hâmedinezhâd 3. Musical Illustrations of the Moraqqa‘-e Golshan Held in the Golestân Palace and the Berlin State Library, Mowlud Valadi & Asmar Shahbâzi 4. Till Another Season, Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
