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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 87

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 87

  • Publish Year : 2020
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sasan Fatemi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Ârash Mohâfez
About :

Articles: 1. [The Elamite World:] Music. Bo Lawergren, Translated by Askar Bahrâmi 2. The Function of the Fourths and Fifths in the Formation of Tones Ambituses in Iranian Dastgâh: Is the Ancient-Safieddin’s Logic of Consonance Still Prevalent? (Part II). Babak Khazraei 3. The Flexibility of Dastgâh; Intrinsic or Extrinsic? Thoughts on the Theoretical, Repertorial and Geographical Origins of Dastgâh in Classical Iranian Music (Part l). Saeid Kordmafi 4. The Scent of the Flower and Opium: The Dichotomy of Revolution/Reform and the Critique of the Golhâ Program in the Muzik-e Iran Journal (1334-1343). Kâmyâr Salavâti

Miscellaneous Notes: 1. Musicians in Fath-Ali Shâh’s Court Recounted in Tazkare-ye Khâvari. Shâhu Abdi 2. The Titles of Modal-Melodic Entities in Music of the Qajar Era listed in the Treatise of Âvâz-hâ-ye Irâni. Sepantâ Hâmedinezhâd

Fundamental Concepts: 1. Towards an Ethnomusicology of Early Music Movement: Thoughts on Bridging Disciplines and Musical Wolds. Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Translated by Natalie Chubineh

Interview: 1. A Radio Interview with Jenâb Damâvandi. Râmtin Nazariju

Critique and Review: 1. A Reflection on Ritm-e Kudakâne dar Irân (Children Rhythms in Iran) by Sasan Fatemi. Omid Tabibzâdeh 2. La critique parisienne et la question de l’opéra traduit (1820-1870). Corinne Schneider, Translated by Arash Mohafez 3. Till Another Season Seyyed-Mohammad Musavi
