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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 85

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Mahoor Music Quarterly. No. 85

  • Publish Year : 2019
  • License Holder: Mahoor Institute of Cultural and Arts
  • Directed: Seyyed-Mohammad Mousavi
  • Editor: Sasan Fatemi
  • Editorial Board: Mohammad Mousavi, Bâbak Khazrâ’i, Sa’id Kordmâfi, Ârash Mohâfez
About :

Articles: 1. Musical Healing in Eastern Tajikistan: Transforming Stress

and Depression through Falak Performance, Benjamin D. Koen, translated by Sasan Fatemi 2. Musical Activity and Social Status of the Bakhshis in Northern Khorâsân, Siyâvash Mohebbi 3. Musical System of Hâvâs in Âshiqi Music, Siyâvash Asgari

Fundamental Concepts: 1. Pour une écriture multimédia de l’ethnomusicologie, Marc Chemillier, translated by Arash Mohafez

Report: 1. Panjtâr: A New Instrument Designed by Jean During, Jean During in collaboration with Leyli Âtashkâr 2. Some Reflection on the Oldest Recording of Âvâz-e Navâ, Mehdi Farâhâni 3. Few Words about Iranian Music, S. Ârâkelyân

In Memoriam: 1. Dehlavi as I Saw, Bâbak Khazrâei 2. The Artistic Legacy of Hoseyn Dehlavi, Human Dehlavi

Interview: 1. Kamânche: From the Morphological  Evolution and Issues to Adjustment, Amelioration, and Pedagogy in an Interview with Sâmer Habibi, Arash Mohafez 2. Interview with Mehrdâd Pahlbod, Mahnâz Afkhami

Critique and Review: 1. What Makes “Aesthetic” Terms Aesthetic?  Peter Kivy, translated by Sasan Fatemi 2. Till Another Season, Seyyed Mohammad Musavi
